steve vogel
freelance writer. author. accidental photographer.
Write On!
Quick story: In the sixth grade, I lost a school-wide election for Student Council President, coming in third in a race of three. Second place got the VP spot. The advising teacher must've felt bad that one of the student-candidates got left out of everything, so she created a student newspaper and made me Editor-In-Chief. I began writing a column, editing contributions from other students, and getting out of class every other Friday afternoon to layout the paper. I got hooked, right there, because I lost an election. In with writing, out with politics.

Early on, my writing career meandered through student newspapers, and into a college major in English Lit, because I wanted desperately to write like some combination of my four literary gods: Ernest Hemingway, Tom Wolfe, Ray Bradbury and Kurt Vonnegut. Nice thought. After failing miserably at selling short fiction, I made a giant soft landing in the advertising, marketing, public relations and magazine world, where young writers often go to make a living.
From there, I bounced around agencies, worked as a newspaper stringer, wrote columns and features for financial and trade publications, even did a stint as a medical reporter with The National Enquirer. I found my wife in an ad agency. I discovered how much I love freelancing. Then, without any experience in high-level corporate writing, the owner of a South Florida ad agency, asked me to write an annual report for a Fortune 2000 company "in that voice. Your fiction voice. Tell a story..."
I won an ADDY award for that annual report, and my corporate writing career took off. Soon, I began writing for the likes of IBM (18 years), Pratt-Whitney, Dole Food Company, Pitney Bowes, Sensormatic, Siemens, Citrix, many others. I wrote everything under the sun, from national TV commercials to videos and websites and print collateral and speeches for CEOs and hundreds of client case studies, where I interviewed customers around the globe.
In recent years, I also published a couple books, one on prostate cancer and another photography book on climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro.
Twenty-five-plus years later, I'm still writing and editing copy and stories, because that's what I love to do — thanks, in some small measure, to an empathetic sixth grade teacher.
WPBF report on Kilimajaro fundraising climb.

A Little Adventure with a Purpose
In 2012, five family members and I climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania on a fundraising trip for the Prostate Cancer Foundation. Along with raising $10,000 to support researchers in search of a cure, I also wrote a book, The Prostate Storm, to help raise awareness about the disease.
Staring up at the remaining "Snow of Kilimanjaro" was a life thrill, 40 years in the making, since my first required reading of the Hemingway classic. Sadly, the snows are melting from climate change, and may be gone by 2030.
The next day after the above photo was taken, we successfully summitted.